From the Desk of the Clerk of Session

Dear Friends:  Greetings from session.

We are missing being together, we want to worship together, break bread together and greet one another face to face. We are getting isolation fatigue and want things to return to normal.

Representatives from Session, Board of Managers and Leading with Care met this week, to consider the eventual opening of our sanctuary. We are carefully considering pastoral care and needs of our congregation in planning re-opening. We are staying updated with the advice of public health officials. We want to make responsible, faithful, thoughtful and lawful decisions.

We are developing a phased approach to re-opening in accordance with government and PCC guidlines about public worship and gatherings. Session want to protect the vulnerable and since all are vulnerable in varying degrees to this pandemic, we will not put people at further risk. We will be adhering to all health care directives and taking all measures to be safe and reduce risks.

Even after we have worship services in the sanctuary Rev. Min will continue to send out online services and will continue to have a mail out to people who do not have a computer. There will be those who cannot and should not come to public worship.

We are preparing a survey so that we will be more aware of your needs and hopes so we can better plan for re-opening. We will continue to update you as to when we can safely re-open.

Thank you to all who continue to work at bringing us God's word and music with the online worship services. It is only with Rev. William's remarkable skills that it can all be synchronized and sent out. He has made it very easy to join the service, just click where indicated on the email that he sends on Sunday morning.  Although we cannot see one another it does connect all of us who are watching at 10am. 

Thank you to the Pastoral Care team and to everyone who have been providing support and love to our family of faith.  Please leave a message on the church answering machine, it is checked daily by our minister. Just ask if you would like to speak to him or an elder or be added to the Pastoral call list. Rev. William is at the church on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 - 11 am

Our expenses are still ongoing for the building and our staff, so we encourage those who can to continue with your offering.  We are grateful for your support. You can do this by mailing your cheque to the church, dropping it off on Tuesday or Thursday between 9 - 11am or the easiest, by PAR speaking to Jill StAmant 705 549-4142 or email who will set it up for you.  The financial statements for the year 2019 are available upon request and can be emailed to you or copies can be picked up at the church.

Hope you enjoyed the church video of activities from 2019. We are grateful to Jean Hall who did a exceptional job of putting the video together.

Thank you to Ann and Ernie Corbeau who continue to keep our building clean and safe. Ernie's birthday was this week,  Happy Birthday Ernie ! 🎈🎉

Our elder Kirk Weldon is taking a well deserved retirement from active eldership after many years at First and before that at other churches. Ken Hicks will be retiring as chairperson of the Board of Managers as soon as a replacement can be found.  We are deeply appreciative of Kirk and Ken's commitment to these committees, we have counted on their wisdom and experience, they will be truly missed. 

Remember we are all here to do God's good works by encouraging others. We will get through this together.

We pray for God's peace that comes from knowing that "Your Faith is Bigger than Your Fear".

Shirley Spearn Clerk of Session on behalf of the elders                                                                                                                                                        Jim Anderson, Trish Cheshire, Peter Cheshire, Klaas Koiter, Gary Ronald